function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}旧金山湾区 | 访问加州
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这座标志性的桥, 历史悠久的缆车, and beautiful Victorian architecture, 旧金山 is undeniably one of the world’s great cities. The entire region, in fact, demands to be explored. The vibrant and diverse East Bay, with cities like 奥克兰 and 加州大学伯克利分校, is a cultural and culinary hotbed. 纳帕 Valley and 索诺玛县 produce some of the best wine in the world. 圣荷西, and the 硅谷, is an essential hub of innovation. +, you’ll find quaint waterfront towns, 令人难以置信的购物, 神奇的博物馆, and endless outdoor delights at Point Reyes National Seashore.





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